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Effimera #9


Cristina Fontana / Effimera #9

Ephemeral like the material photographed that refers to the ephemerality of a mental connection
instinctive, momentary, fleeting.

An investigation into the concept of surprise of meaning, playing on the relationship between the
perceived image and the mental association that emerges from it following different levels of gaze.
The forms photographed by Cristina Fontana, start from everyday elements chosen with a criterion
of "interesting randomness", then refer to other, metaphorical and imaginative realities.
Technique: Macrophotography of fragments of dried Black Iris petal.

Size: 40 cm X 60 cm
Period: 2021




Cristina Fontana is a photographer from Verona, born in 1974, active since 2000 in a research project in the field of macro fine art photography. A graduate in psychology, with a thesis on the processes of visual perception applied to photographic composition, she focuses her investigation on the concept of 'surprise of meaning'. She investigates the relationship between the perceived image and the mental association that emerges from it as a result of different levels of gaze. His photographs arise from everyday elements chosen with a criterion of 'interesting randomness' that refer to other, metaphorical and imaginative realities. Petals, leaves, fragments of dried flowers, stones are photographed at up to five times their actual size. Transfigured, they take on other meanings linked to the thoughts of the viewer.

In 2013 she participated in the EISA Maestro 2013 Macro and Close-Up competition, ranking first nationally.

In 2019 she is the winner of the Fuori Fuoco Moak (Catania) photo contest.

In 2021 she is the winner of the Special Prize for Photography at the DeSidera Art Festival in Trieste. She presented "Effimera", a research project in the field of macro fine art photography.

To date she is a freelance photographer with publications in the most important magazines in the sector while continuing to develop her research in the field of macro fine art photography.


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