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Mr and Mme Gorgô


Mr and Mme Gorgô

Mr et Mme Gorgô, Bénédicte Devillers and Michel Gouteux, dipingono.
Ogni cosa, ogni segno, questa o quella mitologia, diventano i loro pretesti; questi vengono immediatamente suggeriti o convertiti in linee, colori, espressioni, in un “surrealismo” espressivo.
Alcuni passeranno davanti al loro lavoro, senza voler guardare, senza capire questa straordinaria grammatica.
Others will absolutely want to read it to finally admit that this painting expresses well what it wishes to suggest.
Regardless, nothing is naiveMr et Mme Gorgô, Bénédicte Devillers and Michel Gouteux, paint.
Each thing, each sign, this or that mythology, become their pretexts; these are immediately suggested or converted into lines, colors, expressions, into an expressive “surrealism”.
Some will walk past their work, without wanting to look, without understanding this extraordinary grammar.
Others will absolutely want to read it to finally admit that this painting expresses well what it wishes to suggest.
Regardless, nothing is naive; everything “read” appears cultivated.
Their Works are, without doubt, a self-image, which sometimes gets disturbed, often penetrates our minds and instills itself in our bodies.
...Mirror, my beautiful mirror, my story, "my lives" are they so inseparable from what you suggest to me?¡....; everything “read” appears cultivated.
Their Works are, without doubt, a self-image, which sometimes gets disturbed, often penetrates our minds and instills itself in our bodies.
...Mirror, my beautiful mirror, my story, "my lives" are they so inseparable from what you suggest to me?¡....

Discover more about Mr. et Mme. Gorgô by clicking here ¡
