SA.Candela, born in France in 1964 (Discover more by clicking here), is an artist and observer of our world, its cultures and its colours... He wanders through our emotional landscapes with eagerness and culture.
Simple, implying a few self-evident aspects in his work, he is also a poet in his expressions.
I suoi viaggi lo hanno portato in giro per il mondo, dove ha imparato ad ascoltare e capire; e ora capisce che deve trasmettere l'essenza stessa di ogni cosa... ora più che mai!
Questo artista indipendente e impegnato possiede e abbraccia questo elemento così essenziale per le nostre vite, e nutre una passione per la scoperta e uno zelo inestinguibile...
His current work reflects his passion for the Natures.
His collection initiated in (2021) - Flowers as a Subterfuge - exists with strength and beauty in its colourist approach and his exceptional life-giving ability....
In today's trends, SA.Candela stands out for his bold and vibrant use of colour, and even more so through the texture he gives to these colours.
A distinctive characteristic through which he embodies the energy which seizes us when looking at his work, and never fades away.
Undoubtedly therein lie some powerful, gripping and...decisive poems, waiting to be read.
His influences are the likes of Kandinsky, Warhol and Basquiat.