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Annalisa Filippi


Annalisa Filippi

Annalisa Filippi was born in Trento in 1976. She graduated from Istituto Statale d'Arte Alessandro Vittoria in Trento. She was a pupil of Riccardo Guarneri and Ennio Finzi and in 2001 she graduated with honors in painting from the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice. In 2000 she attended the International Academy of Art in Salzburg with Giulio Paolini. She joined the Association of Venetian Engravers. She participated in courses of specialization in artistic engraving at KAUS in Urbino with Mario Guadagnino and Giovanni Turria and “Architecture and artistic and iconographic composition at the service of the liturgy by: Archiepiscopal Curia of Trento", C.E.I., I.U.A.V. and Brera Academy of Fine Arts. Since 2001 she teaches Graphic Design at the Istituto per le Arti Grafiche Artigianelli of Trento. Her works are part of private and public collections in Italy and abroad. She has been selected and awarded in several competitions. She lives and works in Trento.

The artist expresses herself through an abstract, informal, objective painting; her research investigates the human body built through tangles of signs that spread in space and come to life through the contrast of monochrome backgrounds.

“The sign, now strong now subtle, acquires the value of guiding our eyes through colours”
