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Flavio Paolucci I A confronto. Opere di ieri e di oggi

Flavio Paolucci I A confronto. Opere di ieri e di oggi

Kromya Art Gallery Lugano is launching the exhibition “FLAVIO PAOLUCCI. A confronto. Opere di ieri e di oggi." on Wednesday 28th April, from 12.00 to 20.00.

The solo exhibition dedicated to the Swiss master opens the 2021 exhibition season at the Lugano venue, paying homage to Ticino by showcasing one of its greatest artists and retracing his artistic journey from the 1980s to today.

Nature has always been a source of inspiration for art. Art and nature have gone hand in hand since the first cave paintings, and this is still true in contemporary art, with artists capturing the artistic potential hidden in a dry trunk, a stone, a shell, etc.

Throughout his journey over the course of more than sixty years, Flavio Paolucci has focused on the world of plants, which has been his source of inspiration; in fact, his works arise from direct contact with nature, from studying and investigating its relationship with man.

What happens in nature is transformed, shaped, and almost frozen in place in the artist's work thanks in part to his use of primordial materials, such as branches, stones, and leaves - elements that have always characterized his language.

The result are compositions characterized by a precarious balance hinting at themes such as birth, death, life, love, and transience. Over time, these structures have been enriched with symbolic elements and new materials such as marble, glass, and bronze.

The exhibition will feature around twenty works, including sculptures and paintings, which will form a dialogue within the rooms of the gallery.



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