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Laura Notari / Birds

Painting is Laura Notari's time for meditation and disconnection from the external world… Birds can take her to that moment in which she can rest and relax, they remind her a beautiful sunny morning, walking barefoot through the green fields. There is where she can find the real happiness.

Size: 50 cm X 40 cm
Period: 2019




Laura Notari is an abstract artist, a public certified accountant, and mother of Josephine. She studied Fine Arts at the Royal Academy of Arts in The Hague, and during her entire life, she studied with several renowned painters and plastic artists. She has been engaged in painting, drawing, glasswork, ceramics, and sculpture during her career. She attempts to understand the world through many artistic expressions. She has a solid awareness of aesthetic taste and experience with diligence hard-work and attention to detail. She is free and intuitive in painting and she acknowledges that art can change the way we think.
Laura was born and raised in Argentina and actually, she is living in The Netherlands. From an early age, she demonstrated an innate artistic talent and continued to bring her creative passion to fruition. She paints to express herself but it’s also important to her to create something pleasing to the eye. She loves working with acrylics and inks adding different textures like papers, fabrics, recycled plastic, and wood, that are inspired and revealing the expressive elements of nature, light, texture, and colours that have a very vibrant vibe.
Laura Notari works out of her studio in Blaricum, The Netherlands, and teaches and encourages people to get involved in this wonderful world that is being a plastic artist.


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