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Robert Feintuch / Point

Polymer emulsion on honeycomb panel

Size: 60 cm X 48 cm
Period: 2016




Robert Feintuch (b.1953, New Jersey) is a painter who lives and works in New York. In his work, Feintuch looks for images that are metaphorically and psychologically suggestive. He has made paintings of objects, clouds and a series of self-portraits spanning several years. His work is figurative -simultaneously deeply rooted in history, and completely contemporary. It’s marked by painterly concerns—incredible luminosity and complex explorations of perspective. Feintuch uses the body to pursue psychologically suggestive meanings and in many of his paintings he has used himself as a model. In their combination of the sublime with the banal, the serious and the ridiculous, Feintuch’s works have been consistently seen as both comic and rooted in psychological life. His influences range from Fra Angelico and Andrea Mantegna, to Philip Guston. In the catalogue for an exhibition of the Sonnabend Collection at the Serralves Foundation, Suzanne Cotter said that "Feintuch’s work embraces a kind of productive ambiguity. He uses the tension between the heroic, eternal quality of mythological figures and themes of mundane quotidian life to reinterpret myth, figuring and reliving it with deadpan theatricality, almost to the point of farce".

Feintuch’s work has been exhibited in museums and galleries internationally, and he has been awarded residencies and fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Rockefeller Foundation, among others.

Born 1953 Jersey City, New Jersey


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